Monday, August 23, 2004

Back To School

Our garin started ulpan yesterday (in Israel Sunday is a workday). For anyone who doesn't know, ulpan is the Hebrew word for lots and lots of non-stop intensive Hebrew school. We have about 6 hours a day of various reading, writing, and speaking excercises. The worst part of ulpan is not the Hebrew (which I desperately need to learn) but that fact that it is taught in a way that is reminiscent of high school. I started in lowest level, but have since moved up to the middle level class. So far, so good.

Tomorrow our garin has its first meeting with the army. We get poked and prodded and have to take all sorts of tests. At the end of the day a machine spits out a little peice of paper with a fortune, your lucky numbers, and your army job. It should be a fun time.


At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, how was the poking and prodding? What do the next few years hold for you? What was your fortune? What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow? I can't handle the suspense.



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