Repressed No More
That's right ladies and gentlemen, I have rights, and as of yesterday I have formally exercised them. I am of course referring to my rights and benefits package as a returning minor to the State of Israel. The rights of a returning minor are basically the same as a new immigrant to the state, including money to help with the first year, tax breaks on vehicles, tax back on appliances and so forth. As a returning minor I am aloud to stay in the country for four months a year before the clock on my benefits starts ticking. After five years said clock stops ticking and your benefits disappear. Only one thing stops the clock - being in the army. The Garin is designed so that everyone enters the army in some way shape or form within the first three months, so that if desired, a returning minor's (which many people in the program are) benefits are preserved. After these people end the army they have a month left to decide whether to stay in the country and use their benefits, or leave the country and save them for another occasion. I had originally planned to save my rights (and decide after the army) but recently changed my mind. Pursuant to that decision I visited the office of absorption and requested that my benefits begin at once. My logic was that the startup money is much more valuable to me now (as I have very little money), and if I end up staying in Israel after the army I should still have a nice window of opportunity to use my rights. On the flip side, if I return to America after the army, the most likely time that I would return to Israel (and use my rights) would be shortly after I was married. In that case I would receive benefits from my wife's immigration. Boo Yeah.
Wait a minute - who is this wife of yours, and when is she making aliyah?!
Wait - returning minor? Does that mean something different in Israel than it does in the US?
So you basically have 5 years of benefits that will start soon and not include your tour in the army? If you leave after the army are you giving those up? Just clarifying.
Sir Adam, may the lordy lord keep blessing you - from your famous interview and progress with the health care system, to your "Boo Yeah"...
want to share some love with a fellow minor?
i hope my benefits situation works out as well as yours!
hope you're still having a great time, talk to you online tomorrow!
and i'll see you in a little over a month!!!
rafi aka skowron aka mangine-ite aka minor #2
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