Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Results Are In

I know that many of you realized that if the Israeli army refused to accept me I would be forced to change the name of my blog as I clearly would not be in the army. Fortunately, the Israeli army (which I know for a fact monitors this site) has no intentions of letting a perfectly good blog name go to waste. For that reason, among others, I was accepted as a volunteer into the Israeli army today by a medical committee. The "committee" consisted of a single doctor who gave me a personal interview. He didn't pull any punches though, and asked the tough questions like: "What do you like to do for fun?" and "Do you play any sports?" All and all the whole process was pretty anticlimactic. At the hearing I was also given permission to attend a scaled down version of basic training. This is of particular note because I was under the impression that even this more basic basic training would not be available to me. Oh yeah, and it means I get a gun. Don't mess with me.


At 5:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congradulations on being accepted into the army. Your cousin Micheal wants to know if you get uzi? ( he and my father would be happy to play with it when you return to the states,( JK) take care , cousin Laura

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Integrator said...

B'hatzlakha! I know that you will serve well and proudly!

The Vortex


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