Friday, October 27, 2006

Signing On Sunday

When I wrote my last post I was reasonably upset. As such, I was probably a little too harsh on my landlord. Despite our previous differences, the e-mail was apologetic, and I do believe the landlord that the whole deal with the government worker came as a surprise and was not malicious. At worst, our landlord is simply not very experienced.

Over the past week I have been e-mailing with the landlord in an attempt to convince the government worker that because the apartment involves additional costs (things that should be fixed that cause us additional expense) it is reasonable to leave the rent at its present level. Our landlord could have passed the buck and blamed the rent hike on the government worker or emphasized the fact that the government worker wanted the rent raised even higher, but instead our landlord helped us out and the other day we heard back that the government worker approved keeping the rent at its current level.

We sign the extension first thing Sunday morning. Let’s hope nothing changes before then.


At 2:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, did you sign? What happened? What's the point of the blog if you don't keep it updated? Do we have to wait a whole other week to find out? How's that for your readers asking the questions? ;)


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