Friday, September 29, 2006


First off thanks to everyone who chipped in with bbq chicken tips. And by everyone I mean Nikki. Also, word to Sharon Ravid. Just because she asked.

Many of you probably know that Michelle and I use a slingbox to stream American TV over the internet to our computer. The system has worked pretty well but depends on one critical element: Your Internet not being lousy (Note: My father hates the term "suck" and prefers the word lousy to describe something sub-par - maybe it'll catch on). We recently changed our Internet service provider to capitalize on the offer of free Internet that Michelle receives with her student union dues. The only drawback is that the new ISP drops our packets. In layman's terms it loses information (or at least has problems sending/receiving them sequentially). The doesn't impact our normal Internet surfing but causes the slingbox transfer rate to essentially grind to a halt. We tested with other ISPs and there is no question that the problem is with our ISP. And until they fix it our slingbox is effectively slung.


At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam!!!
I am out of my league regarding the slingbox but I hope that you get it fixed soon!!

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Hebrew U has a free ISP?

Hmm, why didn't I know about that?


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