Friday, February 25, 2005

Friends and Gifts

One of the highlights of the past couple weeks has been the visit of my good friends Meg and Eli (henceforth to be referred to as M&E) who are visiting while on vacation. Of all of the things that I miss from the States, my friends and family (i.e. people) are really first and foremost on my list. While I saw M&E in Tel-Aviv the first night they were in Israel, I have spent most of my time hanging out with them in Jerusalem on weekends - which is conveniently where Michelle lives. As a bonus, M&E brought over several gifts from my family: A new 20 gig ipod and a new ultra-comfortable travel pillow. Given that I travel on buses for roughly 10 hours a week these gifts make me extremely happy. Thank you thank you thank you Nana & Papa and Aunt Carole.


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