Sleep Talking
Over the past two weeks my health situation hasn't improved much. I've started meeting with another doctor and I'm back on an array of medications - none of which are really making me feel 100% better. I want to move back to Remicade (the infusions that I was receiving in the States) but my doctors say that it might be a month or two before I can begin the treatment.
Yesterday, for whatever reason, I felt particularly miserable. So bad in fact, that received two days off from the army. Instead of suffering alone in my tiny army room, I traveled to Jerusalem so that Michelle could take care of me. I ate some toast while watching TV and then went to sleep in a real bed (Michelle was kind enough to sleep on the air mattress).
During the night a funny thing happened: Michelle woke up to find me talking in my sleep, something which I don't usually do. Even stranger, I was speaking in Hebrew. Weird.
Today I feel much better (as in my normal discomfort) and will be traveling back to my base shortly. Next week I start my course and will have even less contact with the outside world than usual. My apologies in advance for being able to blog even less frequently than usual.
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