I Knew It
The two people who commented on my last post non-withstanding, I knew that nobody really used facebook for anything. It's like a toy that you play with but that push-comes-to-shove you don't really need. I was reading recently that people on linked-in (a business oriented social networking site) are more likely to receive a job offer if they have more "friends" but I'm still not sold on the concept. I still haven't had a chance to explore the facebook developers site but I'll try to give it a once over and post about it soon. I'll also be posting soon about how American Idol has been absolutely terrible this year.
I don't know whether facebook "friends" will help you find a job, but it is well know that most employment opportunities come from so called week ties. That is people with whom you are acquainted but are not part of you more intimate circle. The thought is that people to whom you are closest have similar interests and contacts, but weaker ties introduce you into different circles. So if being on facebook connects you with a more diverse crowd of people, it certainly should help you find a job in the future. If, however, your facebook "friends" are all already on your email contacts list, you probably won't get that big a boost. I tend to agree with you that facebook is pretty much a place for kids. BTW as a result of your post I joined facebook for sh&gig. Will you be my friend? Please (note the desperate tone) btbab my word verification was admsnot...coincidence?
Quote by Adam Shain: "I'll also be posting soon"... liar! When's the next blog?
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