Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Happy Birthday - Part 2

Tonight Michelle and I finally had enough time / were healthy enough to go out for my much anticipated birthday dinner. We ate at our favorite Asian restaurant Sheyan. It was yummy. Even better than Taam China if you can imagine that. Then we went home. Then we joined facebook. (Maybe you got one of my initial facebook friend invites.)

I have long sworn off joining facebook. I'll post about why I pulled a 180 and decided to join plus my initial thoughts on the site tomorrow or the next day. Right now it's sleepy time.


At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy birthday...I also love Sheyan...

So this is why I get 3 new friends on facebook?

It is fun and a bit annoying...I think it is better for the younger set...very few people I know from college are registered.


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