That's Pure Baby!
Because this evening is the beginning of Yom Kippur I thought it would be appropriate to ritually cleanse myself (note: This is significantly different from ethnic cleansing) in order to be pure for the holiest day of the year. For anyone who unclear, this consists of going to a mikva, or Jewish ritual bath. In my case this essentially involved skinny dipping in the Kinneret.
On a more somber note, if I have hurt anyone over the course of the past year I would like to humbly ask for forgiveness. I never intentionally try to hurt anyone, and tend to be oblivious if I have hurt somebody accidentally. I know that this past year was not the smoothest of years and that at times I was overly stressed (read: thesis) and neglected friendships (read: thesis). Thank you all for bearing with me and I wish everyone fasting an easy and meaningful fast, and everyone a g'mar chatima tovah - a good final inscription -this year (read: book of life).